
Set out for victory
Classification:Company News Release time:2023-01-01 14:46:25
Trees will not grow to the sky, and the epidemic will not continue to ravage. Everything has its beginning, and COVID-19 will go away with the passing of 2022.

Trees will not grow to the sky, and the epidemic will not continue to ravage. Everything has its beginning, and COVID-19 will go away with the passing of 2022.

The three-year epidemic has brought us too many setbacks, difficulties, and challenges; It also brings us many opportunities, thinking, and success. Three years have passed, and now looking around, the changes in the industry are not as profound as we expected, while we are still at the forefront of our own track.

The epidemic is gradually fading, and our steps forward are becoming more solid and powerful. No epidemic can stop the progress of humanity; Nothing can stop 1.4 billion people from pursuing a better life; We are more resolute and powerful than we imagine. Perhaps there are still some painful memories and seemingly unforgettable injuries today. Under the erosion of time, these traces will also become shallower and shallower.

2022 has passed. This year, many colleagues did not receive equal rewards for their efforts, many partners did not achieve equal results in their efforts, and many teams only gained sweat through their hard work; However, fairness is never absent, causality is never late, and every move forward is always an excellent beginning. Every departure is the cornerstone of excellence, and every drumming is the first cry of victory. The most difficult year has passed, and standing at the starting point of the new year, we are both survivors and winners. Today we are our role models from yesterday. All glory sprouts from suffering, and all greatness comes from both hands.

The year 2022 is gradually receding in the tide of history, and all the steps of this year will echo with the sound of the new year. The spring of 2023 has been gradually rising on the other side of the horizon, and on the mast of victory, bright flags are fluttering in the wind, as bright as summer sunflowers.

Resurrection and blooming are coming with vibrant laughter.

May everything go smoothly and the country and people be peaceful.


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