
Your current location:  Production base > Jiangxi Sanyou
  • The factory is located in Fengcheng City, Jiangxi Province, covering an area of over 87 acres and has 22 factory buildings. We mainly produce alkaline dyes and inks, with a total production capacity of over 3000 tons/year.
  • The Jiangxi factory is located in Fengcheng City, Jiangxi Province, covering an area of over 87 acres and has 22 factory buildings. Mainly produces alkaline dyes and ink dyes. The annual production capacity of the equipment is 2000 tons of alkaline dyes and 2000 tons of ink dyes.
阿坝县| 榆林市| 庐江县| 忻州市| 襄垣县| 大英县| 长武县| 隆林| 河津市| 芦溪县| 陆河县| 临高县| 赫章县| 宁明县| 九江市| 馆陶县| 扶风县| 望城县| 安图县| 甘泉县| 汶上县| 江津市| 南投县| 许昌县| 通道| 高唐县| 永登县| 临猗县| 慈溪市| 沙洋县| 中西区| 盖州市| 衡南县| 唐河县| 汕头市| 远安县| 韶山市| 石台县| 塘沽区| 革吉县| 贡觉县|