
Huanbo New Materials Dagang Factory Area
classification:Huanbo New Materials Dagang Factory Area release time:2023-10-20 22:42:03 author: source:
Tianjin Huanbo New Materials Co., Ltd. - Industrial sulfuric acid, electronic grade sulfuric acid

Tianjin Huanbo New Materials Co., Ltd. - Industrial sulfuric acid, electronic grade sulfuric acid

The company produces over 200000 tons of industrial sulfuric acid, refined sulfuric acid, and battery sulfuric acid annually. In order to comply with the national industrial development trend, in recent years, we have focused on the research and production of electronic and chemical materials required by the semiconductor industry. The 20000 ton electronic grade sulfuric acid project has been listed as a key project by the Tianjin Development and Reform Commission, and has been officially mass-produced in early 2021. The products include electronic grade sulfuric acid, electronic grade hydrogen peroxide, electronic grade ammonia, electronic grade nitric acid, electronic grade hydrochloric acid, and electronic grade mixed acid. The company is equipped with advanced testing and inspection equipment such as 10000 level laboratories and 100 level laboratories.

Tianjin Sanhuan Chemical Co., Ltd. - Acid Dyes (Huanlite) ?) Reactive Dyes for Wool and Wool (Cyprinone) ?)

In 2014, the factory was invested and built in Dagang Petrochemical Industrial Park in Tianjin Binhai New Area, and was officially put into operation at the end of 2014.

At present, the annual production of acidic series dyes is over 13000 tons, and the annual production of reactive series dyes for wool is over 1000 tons. The company has nearly 30 years of experience in the production of acid dyes and the world's most advanced production equipment, and continuously optimizes synthesis processes. In response to the diversified demand characteristics of the market, in recent years, the company has launched a series of specialized dyes for various fabrics such as nylon spinning, polyamide, ribbon, nylon yarn, etc., all of which have met the requirements of high-end orders in the market.

We have designed a diversified sewage treatment system, including various treatment units such as pre-treatment, biochemistry, and MVR, to ensure that daily production sewage treatment meets the discharge standards.

A comprehensive atmospheric absorption and monitoring system, with irregular sampling and testing at key points every day, ensures that exhaust emissions meet standards throughout the day.

We have been increasing investment in application laboratories year by year, and the company is always committed to providing every customer with the highest quality dyes and the most sincere service!

Tianjin Sanhuan Chemical Co., Ltd. - N, N-dimethylaniline

The company completed the construction of the N, N-dimethylaniline production unit in less than two years and officially put it into operation in 2008, with an annual production capacity of 5000 tons/year. After the product was launched on the market, it gained widespread recognition in the market.

In recent years, the company has actively responded to national environmental policies, increased investment in environmental protection, established an environmental odor absorption system, and achieved good results in odor control.

Weiduo Technology - Sweet Sugarcane Production

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